
Commands and how to use them.

Player commands

/cg show /cg hide /cg toggle (permission: chatgames.visibility)

Shows, hides or toggles the visibility (showing and hiding) of games.

/cg wins [name|uuid] (permission: chatgames.wins)

Shows wins of a player identified by the given UUID or name. If the argument is not provided, displays your statistics (in this case the command must not be run from console).

/cg leaderboard [page] [-refresh / -r] (permission: chatgames.leaderboard)

Shows the cached leaderboard at the given page. If the page argument is not provided, displays the first page.

The cached leaderboard is refreshed automatically every 5 minutes. To change this, update leaderboard-refresh-delay in the config.

Admins only:

If you need to refresh the leaderboard immediately, you can do so by using the -refresh flag which requires permission cg.leaderboard.refresh.

Admin commands

/cg diagnostics (permission: chatgames.diagnostics, admins only)

Shows information needed for issue diagnosing, but also useful data and server wide statistics. That is, database sizes, server statistics, game statuses and runtime information.

/cg start [game] (permission: chatgames.start, admins only)

Starts a new game by the given name, or, if game was not given, a random game.

If there's a currently active game, it is stopped.

/cg stop (permission: chatgames.stop, admins only)

Stops the currently active game.

/cg delete <name|uuid|all> (permission: chatgames.delete + chatgames.confirm, admins only)

Deletes data associated with a player identified by the given UUID or name, or deletes all data from the data storage.

Data deletion is subject to confirmation by calling /cg confirm within 20s of executing the delete command.

/cg reload (permission: chatgames.reload, admins only)

Reloads the plugin configuration.

Last updated